dbt is rapidly taking over the world of analytics engineering. It fills the missing gap between classic data engineering and business intelligence. Learn how to build data marts and getting your team up to speed with analytics engineering. dbt is the perfect tool for the job and as dbt Labs Preferred Consulting Partner, dataroots can guide you along the way.

dbt allows anyone comfortable with SQL to build datasets in data warehouses in an organised manner. Using dbt allows you to combine the computation power that comes with a data warehouse with a code-first approach to organising data transformations.

Two training packages

We are offering 2 training packages which can be combined and customised to fit your needs.

Getting started with dbt

Training duration: 1 day

Learn what dbt is all about and what it can do. In this training you will learn about how dbt can be used, where it fits in the bigger picture of your data platform and we'll learn about the basic features of dbt.

Advanced dbt

Training duration: 1 day

In the advanced training we'll go in-depth about some of the features that make dbt stand out.  We'll learn how you can configure incremental data loads, keep historic versions of your data, reuse dbt code across dbt models and projects and how you can extend your documentation so that it shows the entire picture of your data platform. Furthermore, we'll talk about how you can configure dbt so that it perfectly fits into your organisation's infrastructure and security layout.

Prerequisites & audience

To be able to follow the training, you'll need to have some basic knowledge about the following technologies:

  • Basic understanding and usage of git (clone, checkout, commit, pull, push, merge)
  • GitHub account
  • Experience with any programming language (especially Python) or familiarity with the command-line/terminal can be helpful, but not required

dbt is a tool which allows you to shift workloads using complex tooling like Apache Spark, Hadoop and others to a broader, less technical audience. You no longer need a programming background to get started with building an analytics platform.

Training tech stack

  • Both trainings use dbt Cloud (IDE in your web browser) to avoid issues with connectivity and local setup. If needed, this can be adapted so that the training is delivered with Visual Studio Code.
  • Both trainings use a Snowflake cloud data warehouse to demonstrate the usage of dbt. The trainings are not using any Snowflake-specific features, so let us know which data warehouse you'd like to use and we'll adapt the training to it!

We can also guide you in configuring and setting up dbt for specific scenarios like the following:

  • Integrating dbt into the Microsoft Azure ecosystem
  • Configuring dbt for enterprise-level security
  • Usage of dbt within a data mesh and/or larger organisations
  • ...
Let's chat

Want to know more?

Connect with us to discuss your ideas, address your questions, or brainstorm together. Over a cup of coffee or a video call, whatever works best.